Tell us how your adventure in Psychedelic trance music began ?
Well its kinda a long story but when i was around 13 years old i first heard the word (Psycho) and that was where the curiosity began that's the exactly words that i wrote on the youtube search bar back then and my first results was Hatikwa,Vaishiyas, Minimin, Hallucinogenic Horses and also proggy tracks that was my motivation to go to my first parties in the beach new years eve and very happy inside the enviroment feeling cozy i had a like for prog psy and that was where i begin to dj set, and playing in very small local parties full of high kids xD i curiosly had a big hate for darkpsy music i can't processes it and there was no game for me it was monotonous and boring there was no harmony and melody, not much. One day my sister and mom talked me about a father of the psytrance named Goa Gil and i was surprised i didn't know him and then i searched on youtube to see what all that was about and the results were parties in goa india from 1992 and so it was like goa trance very melodic and kinda cheesy oldie proggy kinda was what i was processing so i decided to go to a Goa Gil party and i discovered they do the party in my closest city so a ticket for Gil partie was my birthday present (My birthday is october 30 and goa parties in Guadalajara are in october) so the day came and i went with one of my best childhood friend Tomas Lumbreras aka Bony he introduced me in the world of substances and weird music such as Venetian Snares, Last Step, Aphex Twin, Royksopp, etc... At entering at the party the first thing I heard was this dark noisy speedy darkpsy i was not that very happy but it was not that bad hearing at a very high volume it only passed 30 minutes since i set up my camp and an acid dealear apeared my friend bony was very shure about it and got 2 blotters 1 hour later i was dancing closed eyes very tranced and i didnt notice it and then i put attention to sounds and i discovered those were the most beautiful and colorful and twisted and super psychedelic sounds i ever heard in my life like chanting birds and the bass was just like the floor base attatchment of my body so my mind could travel beyond that was where proggy went very boring and i was totally decided it was something for me and maked me lived the most amazing experience of my life.
¿Why is your project called Ololiuhqui?
When i was in highschool near there in the empty fields there was thing rose and blue flowers hanging in the nets everywhere i knew before then this plant contains in their seeds an alcaloid similar to LSD this was LSA and what i've searched about it is that its effects on humans are very variable can last 9 hours or 2 weeks sometimes there's no return there is no much information collected about dosage, experiences, etc... I so in my daily routine to get from the school to my house in the bus as always put on my headphones and hear some twisted darkpsy music and was perfect for reading book that book was Neuropsicofarmacologia II by local university while i was deep trippin with the music i reached the Ipomea Violacea part and the first introduction said that in Nahuatl one of the indigenous language of mexico the translation was Ololiuhqui back then i was starting to produce music in my shitty computer and shitty speakers and when i red that part of the book i instantly felt familiar and decided to choose that name and my music concept is intense but beautiful very similar to LSA effects.
In which festivals have you presented the project?
The most important festivals i played are: Psycircus Festival (GDL MX) the 2019 and 2021 edition and it was great incredible nice Void sound system and lovely crowed last one was couple months ago and i played at the sunrise very beautiful moment also in Nahualica 13:20 parties where i started and they are part of my family they received me in their parties since i was just a 15 year old kid parties like Space Invaders and Forest Tempo. Also played my chillout/bass music side project in Kamino Festival by Kamino Records. I wish i can go gig more im spending more time in my beautiful home making music and learning more but i'm ready for the adventure and exposition with more than 4 hours of nice music ready to travel everywhere possible.

What do we expect from Ololiuhqui in the future?
Jeje that's quite a question well i make music with the music i like most so everything is basically influences that drives me crazy from deep ambient atmospheres like aphex twin to very dark leads to very jungle/dnb percussions like venetian snares and the trippy sounds are a very long story you guys are going to expect innovating sounds according to weird designs an impeccable quality and very dark and bassy basses with always lots of twist twisted as possible bringing the listener a deep but energic experience at the dancefloor.
Tell me about your new Album Flying Knots?
That's my recent album released on Burning Trip Records Very very thankful with ezequiel and urk for letting me part of the family and having accessibility to master and release my music in so good and focused record label this tracks i made them specially for the Psycircus gig i got this twisted ideas like soft ambient intros with blasting kickbass entry real cough sounds i recorded when i was sick some harry potter kinda melodies thrilly and kinda new bass design took me 2 months finish those 6 cause i was facing hard moments but at the end i was super very satisfied and the analog mastering was very well done.
Which record labels do you belong to?
Nahualica 13:20 is my closest family and recently Digital Chakra from India and the releases in Burning Trip.
Tell us about your project with producer Paranoiac (Oak Project).
This was quite a surprise for me. i was very honoured to form part of this, Paranoiac saw a nice talent on me and notices a unique style in production keeping small details and showing complex deep sounds, convinced him to work together we work thousand of miles away from mexico to germany using lots of GB on the internet to transfer complex projects we actually have some tracks on Goa Gil Charts and Releases on Nahualica 13:20, Burning Trip and soon we are going to release something new and killer of course.

Tell us about your work at Burnin Trip Records:
Well I started basically doing the strong connection for the Burning Streaming episodes on twitch and helping with diffusion of new activity such as releases.
Which artists have you collaborated with?
with Paranoiac we have a darkpsy project called OakProject but we don't have a vs track the 2nd artist I collaborated is Oc Ritmic from Guadalajara and that's it i would love to collaborate with more artists but surprisingly didn't happen yet sometimes i record guitars from my local friends Chino and Stuart.
What do you feel that defines your music?
Very Darky basslines normally flat but changing progressively with percussion achieving a slow intro till it gets full with the hi-fi sounds generating a very thick ambience very percussive till it gets very euforic and intense and then magical and silent drops with beautiful harmonies like ambient makes the constrast i love in darkpsy music in conclusion Intense and Deep same in my sets while I start low bpm and get fast through time.
How has your music evolved, from its beginnings to the present?
well quality is a thing to consider in evolution but basically the vibe was always the same try to incorporate fresh ideas from the outside and perfectioning techniques un sound design and synthesis i progressively obtaining better monitores and more analog synths but also Virtual plugins had help me a lot and I became addicted to buy vsts some very good ones.

How is a normal day of you?
with a delicious triple coffee and a cigarette in the late morning working cutting and polishing stones watching the beauties of nature and when its rain season i go almost everyday for mushroom hunting darkspsy production stars in the night.
What kind of music do you listen usually?
I love chillout and bassmusic, IDM, glitchy sounds and rythms artist like Flanger, Boards of Canada, Chris Joss, Desmond Cheese, ATYYA, Soulacybin, Mindex, Gaudi, Mad Proffesor, Quanta, and lots more in the psychedelic section, i love listening zenonesque, artist like Tom Cosm, Dirty Hippy, Hypogeo, Evil Oil Man, Sourone, Sensient and more and in the Dark section i love to hear local artists such as Froog, Polybius, Yoshua Em, Kashyyyk, and also Yaminahua, Limpopo, Phagos Sonus, Paul Karma, Vox Fabri, Paranoiac, Rawar, Otkun and much more.
Tell me your opinion about: how to get to the state of active meditation?
Psychedelic substances has always been a must to music will do the work alone just flow and make a little effort to keep dancing and everything will occur as expected.
Do you think it is necessary to use or abuse drugs to achieve transcendence or active meditation?
I personally think it is necessary it opens the gates of the easy listening and sense perception what makes the contrast in perceiving thing from outta mind but also vision quests bring a very hard and unreal experience of it incorporating natural music (birds, wind, water flowing, thunders, cows, etccc).
Some tips for beginners looking for a place on the scene.
It is funny but i feel like im still a beginner and i still fight to get a place on the scene most gigs with out remmuneration and sometimes yes and very thankfull about it my best tip is: keep producing like if u were playing each weekend and u got to show the people the new stuff and i believe suddenly you are well placed in the scene without knowing.