How was the approach to the Darkpsy?
Well ... my old friend show me this kind of music :) Actually the first drakpsy what i listen was : Stranger - Breaker Shaker
What do you feel that defines your music?
Abstract , Glitchy , Dark , Raw
What festivals will you remember forever?
Hidden Realms : Valley of the Dragon!
It was a really amazing and unique experience i was first time playing in the Us and when i play i feel some incredible energy from the dance floor it was not much people (around 50-80) but i see that they really like and feel what i do :)
Why is your project called Vox Fabri ?
Its a latin word it means : Who make the sound .
Tell us about your Ep Abstraction
Abstract is my latest solo ep what i make for the amazing (and one of my fav ) label Absolute Shit Records :) All started 1 year ago when the label boss Herber Quain ask one track for me (for a compil or something like that ) and he really like what i send for he so i send him 3 more track and we make a ep .

How was the Auros Tauros project creation?
Around 2017 i asking a remix music from Miguel aka Khaos Sektor and when i relelase that music he listen and say : dude i really like your remix and i need one collab for me to my album ! do u wanna make one ? I say yes of course :) and then we start working more together and now we have a project :)
Tell us the story of Liquid Monkeys Records ?
Hahaha ist a long story :D Around 2015 we start to make darkpsy partys in a small piss smelling pub in our hometown with Telekinezis (producer/dj Liquid Monkeys member) and the Alchimechanics (producers/djs Liquid Monkeys memebers) . That was the Liquid Monkeys Tribe ! Later we make partys in Budapest with the Goàzis crew and we start to make the label :) We always searching original no too famous artist and try to support their projects :)
How has your music evolved, from its beginnings to the present?
When i start to make music i create forest psytrance on slow bpm with analog modular synths but later i realize
I need to make more dark and unique music so i did :)
How did you come to be a part of the Anomalistic Records family?
First Mike Dirks aka Ekimskird write me cuz he really like my music and after Cindervomit start to follow me on Soundcloud and asking for me a collab i accept we make a tune and after i make a ep for Mike and David (Cinder) and he put me in the Anomalistic Records :)
How is a normal day of you?
I work with my Dad and after work drink some beer and make some tune ( i make music every day ) and after i hang out with my gf :)
What kind of music do you listen usually?
Haha hard question :D I usually listen some IDM like Aphex Twin , Squarepusher, Autechre and some old school rap like : Notorius B.I.G , Wu-Tang and some Russian Post Punk ... like : Motorama , Humantetris , Brandenburg :)
What is your favorite food?
Beer haha
Your favorites Darkpsy Artists?
The Dog Of Tears and Ghreg on Earth
Tell me your opinion about: how to get to the state of active meditation?
With lots of dancing like : nonstop 27 hour Goa Gil ritual with a full chillum !!!
Do you think it is necessary to use or abuse drugs to achieve transcendence or active meditation?
Not necessarily but more easy :) i prefer more the all natural drugs like weed and shroom :)
How many albums or ep have you taken for the moment?
1 Auros Album
8 Vox Fabri ep
3 Auros Ep
Modular ritual
Undistorted Existence
Craft beer session
Unreleased old musics
Signals From the Void
And first Vox Fabri album coming soon :)
Tell us about your dreams please.
My dream is live in the house somewhere in the mountains with my gf and 100 of dogs , cats and other cutie animals:)
What inspires you to make psychedelic music?
Almost everything :D but mostly adventures , festivals , science fiction movies and friends :)
What do you feel you offer in the future of music?
I offer the ultimate truth : stay unique make what u love !!!
We give some tips for beginners looking for a place in the scene.
Dont afraid to be unique and abstract!!!