How they met?
We saw each other the first time in Psycrowdelica 2011.
Well I saw it first and the next day my friend who was going to give me and gave me lodging introduced me to his girlfriend and a couple of friends, and oh surprise. It was her!
- Sarah: At first I thought he was very weird, but after some black labels ... We smoked a joint together! Hahaha... That's how we met.
In addition to producing music, are you dedicated ah?
We are teachers of English and Sarah of German.
I do mastering. We are astrologers and we read the tarot.
Sarah is a photographer and model by Hobbie.
Tell me how you created your project Walpurgisnacht Projekt?
Or we do something together or I go! "She told me ... So she learned after many hours of observing.
The project was born with the first track beginning on December 21, 2012. Day of the apocalypse.
What is the purpose of the project?
The night of Walpurgis is a festivity in which the arrival of spring is celebrated after the long winter. It is a time of change and awakening of consciousness. Our purpose is to celebrate life, have fun and express ourselves fully and mainly do something together.
When can we listen to a full disc of Walpurgisnacht Projekt?
The album is about to come out this year with Absolut Shit Records. We are very excited and very grateful to Peter, also known as Herbert Quain, who has supported us a lot.
How has evolution been since they started until today?
Constant. Each track is very different from the other. We always try to use new techniques and tools.
How many clues do you have at this moment?
Around 31 tracks
What can we expect from Walpurgisnacht Projekt in the future?
A lot of good music and many collaborations to come.
Recommend 5 artists, please
1. The Nommos
2. jeans fractals
3. Dark Whisper
4. Greg on Earth
5. Mubali
Much more...
Why do they use psychoactive drugs?
To see reality.
Tell me about your experience in the dharma festival.
Each year is a unique experience! We had fun!
Why did you decide to put Walpurgisnacht Porjekt?
Sarah read me a story about Walpurgisnacht, which is a German tradition. Halloween. Traditionally, they play very fast and strong folk music and dance all night around the fire. Currently, they wear impressive witch costumes. It was very similar to the concept of Xikwri Neyrra and we decided to use that name.
With what artists have you collaborated?
We have collaborated with Rawar, Twisted Kala, Invid Mind and Samyaza, Paranoiac, Enichkin, Dementia, and we have a couple of remixes from The Nommos and Audiopathik.
What festivals would you like to take your project to?
We would like to introduce ourselves to where destiny takes us. But, of course, in Boom, Hi Tech Revolution 2020, parallel universe, Freqs of Nature, MOP, fusion. Etc.
What is the Universe for you?
Sarah: I could not explain in a few words because I would need a lot of time to explain it. It's my mother, it's the truth, the reality and where you can find all the answers that you can not find here.
Iyari: the gigantic organism in which we live and are part of what many of us call deity.

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